Blog Reflection

Blogging for me has been fun because of all of the challenges that were assigned to me. I participated on all 8 of the challenges. In an 8 week period I was able to accomplish to make 14 posts about all of the topics assigned to me. When I was making my blog it helped me understand what to post online and also what not to post online.

In addition to all of the things that I have written about already I have learned how to comment on other blogs. I have learned that whenever you comment on other blogs you have to be careful what you say because you may end up offending someone. Also when commenting on other blogs you have to try to be professional and use correct spelling and grammar. On my blog I have gotten 9 comments from people around the world and people in my class.

The post that I enjoyed writing the most is about the first major video game league. I enjoyed writing this post the most because I’ve got to inform people about the first major video game league about the game space invaders. Another reason that writing this post was my favorite is because this is one of the posts that I have the most information on. This is why that writing about the first major video game league was my favorite to write.

I think on this blog once in a while I will keep posting. I think I will keep posting because I think that every blog has potential to go somewhere. On my future posts I will give more detail on what I am writing about. All in all, in the future I will keep posting on this blog.

Week 7-Family Celebrations

I was assigned to choose 4 challenges for week 7. The task that I chose was to tell you about the holidays that I and my family celebrate. Here is the 3 major holidays that I and my family celebrate.

1. Thanksgiving: During Thanksgiving my family gathers all of my closest family members that could make it and we eat a huge meal

2. Christmas: During Christmas we also gather our closest family members and we try to get the best presents for others.

3. New Year’s: When New Year’s comes we stay up late and celebrate because we are happy that there is a new year

I found this photo on

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